Full Name: Gianna Bouchard and Alex Mermikides
Annual Conference Theme (if applicable): Performance and the Laboratory
What were the main points that emerged from your WG this year?
What was discussed at your business meeting?
The group felt that running some WG sessions every year, even if the number of sessions was reduced, was preferable to working on a biennial basis or disbanding. The group would be happy to explore some joint panels with other WG groups.
In line with this, we also talked about recruiting to the group, particularly PG students and ECR. The group has a small but loyal central core, with a wider pool of more loosely associated members. This mixed membership is very beneficial, but there is value is reaching out to new potential membership groups. To do this, we will aim to share our CFPs in future with the Medical Humanities Association and the Science in Public network, in order to broaden our reach. Other network suggestions would be most welcome.
The group were invited to review our established practice of calling for papers around a central theme (‘the human’ in 2016 and ‘the laboratory’ in 2017), especially in the light of the question around group size. There was some anecdotal evidence of researchers submitting to other WGs this year because they felt that they did not align with the theme (although CFPs always state that themes can be interpreted quite inclusively). We agreed that next year’s CFP would invite both themed and open papers. We also agreed to encourage submissions from PG researchers, making reference to the PG bursary scheme.
A strong contender for an event in the Spring emerged as a visit to the Jodrell Bank Observatory, which is part of the University of Manchester. This would be tied to discussion themes around questions of scale and perspective, with a potential provocation from an astrophysicist working at the observatory, as well as having a tour of the facilities and a talk from its director.
And finally, these are the comments that the group wants us to pass on about the conference organisation more generally:
Types of contributions:
Papers and one cross-disciplinary team Skype presentation
Number of formal contributors (those listed in book of abstracts) 14
Approx. overall number of delegates who attended your WG Sessions 29 delegates attended at least one session each.
Composition of WG (PG, ECR, etc.)
Mostly established academics, some PG and ECR in some sessions
Did you have any non-UK participants? Yes
If your WG hosted an Open Panel, do you have any feedback?
The Open Panel was very well attended (23 delegates) and two of the three speakers were new to the WG. The papers extended ongoing conversations in the group and also opened onto new ideas, appropriate to the WG core members and ‘visitors’ to the panel.
Any additional points or feedback not covered above?