Scenography working group 2018

Full Name: Lucy Thornett and Kathrine Sandys

Annual Conference Theme (if applicable): Scenography and Landscape

What were the main points that emerged from your WG this year?
The theme of landscape was interpreted broadly with panels on social and collaborative landscapes, deep time, the anthropocene, urban landscapes, digital and immersive landscapes and landscapes on stage. The theme was inspired by the location and the landscape of Aberystwyth. The broadness with which the theme was interpreted opened out the discussions to topics such as collaborative methodologies of scenography, social, political and ecological concerns. Common themes include methodologies of practice in scenography, communication and language (both spoken and aesthetic communication), the non human agency of scenography and of landscapes, and debates around terminology – particularly discussions of scenography in relation to ‘visual dramaturgy’. Theoretically, the work of Karen Barad, Donna Haraway, Doreen Massey and Tim Ingold seems to be central to current research and discussions in scenography. Once again practice was central to most of the discussions and practice remains central to the discourse of the scenography working group. We had a number of new members joining this year, including members who attended the main conference for the first time after first attending the interim event in April, and a number of new postgraduate members. We also had a number of early members returning after various periods of absence.

What was discussed at your business meeting?

We discussed:

  • The call for two new convenors (Katherine Graham and David Shearing are now coming onboard. This year will be a transition year, with the current convenors stepping down after the conference in Surrey.)
  • The call for judges for the TaPRA prizes
  • Announcement of next year’s conference location
  • Announcement of proposed interim/satellite event at the Prague Quadrennial in June 2019
  • Publication opportunities for members

Types of contributions:
Papers, a performative paper, a participatory workshop, and a film

Number of formal contributors (those listed in book of abstracts) 20 (including some collaborative presentations)

Approx. overall number of delegates who attended your WG Sessions 45
Composition of WG (PG, ECR, etc.)
Approximately 25% PG, 25% ECR

Did you have any non-UK participants? Yes

If your WG hosted an Open Panel, do you have any feedback?

Any additional points or feedback not covered above?

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