Popular Performance 2019

Full Name: Dr Catriona Craig

Venue and Date: Victoria and Albert Museum, Friday 3rd May 2019

What were the main points that emerged from your interim event this year?
The provocation and discussion opened up valuable discussion in the areas we had hoped to cover and helped the WG to both expand and deepen our gaze into areas we have wanted to look at for a while. We explored:

  • Visual popular culture and display as an area that has been under-theorised in our work.
  • Feminist responses to the categories of both camp and drag.
  • Notions of embodiment and routes into a deeper understanding of the physical in popular performance.
  • How categories that we more usually apply to comic form can be appreciated and seen in popular music, e.g. satire, parody, mockery, exaggeration.
These points were finally also helpful in provoking a more specific understanding of the barriers to diversity within  popular culture.

Types of contributions (papers, performances, workshops, etc.)
Paper discussions. Plus we viewed and discussed a performance given by one of our WG members commissioned by the V&A as part of a public access event.

Number of Delegates: 5

How many were new to TaPRA? One was new to TaPRA at the 2018 Conference

Did you have any non-UK participants? No

Any additional points or feedback not covered above?

While it was valuable to wrap the event into a broader V&A schedule the timing probably limited attendance. The attempt to find a sweet spot in the year when people are motivated and able to attend an interim continues.

Overall budget awarded: £260

Amount spent: To my knowledge no-one has applied for travel or production expenses.

Breakdown of costs:

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