Host a TaPRA Conference

If you are interested in hosting a TaPRA Conference, we need a short outline proposal (around a page) outlining the local arrangements and facilities, with a brief note about likely costings. You should mention any special events you want to build into the Conference, or which coincide, and think about the balance between Working Group sessions and shared/themed exchanges and plenary sessions.

Please send your outline as an attachment to Conference Secretary: Dan Rebellato


Our Annual Conferences

TaPRA is a membership organisation, whose intellectual activity at the Annual Conference is centred around the meeting of its Working Groups. There are up to 13 Working Groups active at any one time. TaPRA also seeks to promote exchange and collaboration, so the local hosts for each Conference will be encouraged to explore ways of promoting this: these might include Open Plenary sessions, shared Working Group sessions, Working Group sponsored panels, poster sessions, keynote speakers (all decisions will be made in consultation with the TaPRA Executive).

You should draw up your plans for the Conference itself, the accommodation, and the budget on the basis of 300 paying delegates, a third or more of whom will be postgraduates, who pay a reduced Conference registration fee.

Outline costings should also account for Plenary or Invited Speakers, hosts’ costs, payment or in kind payment of student helpers, TaPRA Executive registration fees, events, parties, shows, printing of conference programmes and abstracts and any other overheads you identify according to local conditions.



What administrative support do you have to help you manage up to 300 delegates and their varied demands?

What technical support staff and/or student volunteers can you muster?

On campus accommodation at a B&B rate lower than nearby hotels or commercial B&Bs is ideal. If it is a good price, you can build in a small per head or per night profit which will subsidise other parts of the Conference (eg cost to you of campus accommodation is £27 per night; charged cost to delegates at £30 per night).

What flexibility will the housing office allow you? We advise that you have a clear accommodation deadline.

What is the accessibility of proposed Conference accommodation? Walking distance from Conference meeting rooms?

Can you offer special rate deals to delegates via your institutional rate for commercial hotels?

How flexible are your University caterers?

What ideas do you have for a Conference dinner at a reasonable cost per head? Will the venue be able to accommodate around 150 delegates?

To keep costs manageable for delegates, we recommend you try to find a venue where they can do a cash bar, alternatively some venues, offer a wine inclusive price.


In setting up your schedule, and setting opening and closing times and events, bear in mind the times taken to get to your campus from various parts of the UK.

If you think people will need to travel the day before (say Glasgow to Kent), then think about offering accommodation and maybe some sort of hospitality or event on that evening, or next morning.


Rough costings are necessary at this point.

What are your outline costings?

Will you be able to deliver a profit to TaPRA? (the annual conference is TaPRA’s main source of income)

What is your Conference registration fee – which MUST include TaPRA membership – likely to be?


We like to find three days in early September. We try not to clash with other major UK conference dates.

Think about a skeleton schedule over 3 days which can accommodate the AGM, Working Group sessions, shared sessions, and Open Plenary sessions for the whole membership. The AGM should not be the last event of the Conference.

Times must also be set aside for a 90 minute Executive Committee meeting, a Postgraduate meet and greet on the first day, and a further Postgraduate workshop time.


Meeting facilities: can you accommodate up to 13 Working Groups simultaneously, generally in teaching rooms that can accommodate up to 25 people?

Technical facilities: delegates would typically expect teaching rooms to have data projection facilities and internet access.

Performance facilities: A small number of working groups prefer to work in studio facilities. What performance/studio facilities do you have?

TaPRA 2025 at Warwick

Our 2024 conference will be hosted in partnership with the University of Warwick, 27-29 August 2025

TaPRA 2025 at Warwick

Our 2024 conference will be hosted in partnership with the University of Warwick.

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