Documenting Performance

The Working Group is a community invested in the conceptual, practical, and creative possibilities of Documenting Performance. Here, performance is conceived in an expanded sense and might include theatre, live art, curatorial, installational, participatory and visual projects, as well as particular modes of critical engagement. The Working Group was founded in 2011 as a platform for investigation which acknowledges and contributes to an increasing range of scholarly and artistic activity concerned with performance and its documents, including archival encounters. At its centre is a concern for how we do the work of reading, thinking, writing about, and making theatre and performance; how documentation determines our ways of working, as scholars and artists; and the affect of the circulation of documents between institutions and epistemologies. At stake, then, is how documentation shapes and determines the performance field. The Working Group welcomes new and experienced scholars with interests in this area.

Current Convenors

Dr Rebecca Collins

Lecturer in Contemporary Art Theory, University of Edinburgh

Dr Vanessa Damilola Macaulay

Asistant Professor in Performance, School of Art Institute, Chicago

Dr Emma Bennett

Assistant Professor in Performance, University College Dublin

Calls for Participation

Interim Events

Contact Us

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