Article 4 – Executive Committee


TaPRA is managed by an Executive Committee The Executive Committee is responsible for managing the Association’s affairs and finances and executing the decisions made by the membership at the Annual General Meeting and is empowered to seek, where appropriate, the means to support and maintain the aims of the Association. The Executive Committee consists of named offices some of which may be staffed by more than one member, each of whom is a full member of the Executive Committee.

The offices are as follows:

  • Chair
  • General Secretary (including Membership)
  • Treasurer
  • Conference Secretary
  • Digital Communications Officer (liaison with Webmaster)
  • Research Officer
  • Working Group Coordinator
  • Postgraduate Group Representative

(A job description for each officer’s portfolio can be found here [add link] with further information relating to the operational practices and responsibilities for each post-holder)

  1. The Executive committee members are elected by ballot by all members of the Association and their appointment is submitted for renewal every three years but may be extended to four years, whereby the fourth year is deemed as ‘handover’ year to incoming post-holder.
  2. The term for the Postgraduate Group Representative shall be for two years and may be renewed for a further two years by ballot and re-election. Former Student members of the Executive Committee shall subsequently be eligible to stand for election as ordinary members on the same terms and conditions as other members.
  3. Candidates for election to the Executive Committee must be members of TaPRA. Nominations must be made by two members of TaPRA. Nominees must declare in writing that they are willing to stand as candidates. The names of all candidates will be published on the website and circulated to all members for election.
  4. The General Secretary (office includes Membership Secretary duties) is responsible for inviting and receiving nominations and for the conduct of the elections. Notice of forthcoming elections and the closing date for nominations will be published.
  5. Where there are no candidates for nomination to any one post, the Executive Committee has the power to co-opt members for a fixed term of no more than three years.
  6. The Executive Committee may also invite nominations for officers without portfolio in the interests of ensuring full representation on the Executive Committee
  7. The incoming officer will usually take up their office at annual conference and AGM.
  8. The Executive Committee will normally meet three times a year, which includes a formal scheduled meeting at the annual conference. Reasonable expenses for formal meetings of the Executive Committee are reimbursed.
  9. Attendance at Executive Committee meetings will not necessarily require all postholders to attend every meeting but all Executive Committee members are expected to attend at least one meeting per annum in addition to the formal annual conference meeting and AGM. Should an officer fail to meet the minimum attendance requirement the Executive may agree to open the post to ballot.
  10. The Chair of TaPRA will oversee the business of the Executive Committee. The Chair will be required to call a meeting of the Executive Committee at the request of any three members of the Committee.The Executive Committee is considered quorate when 50% +1 of voting members are present. Decisions shall be taken by majority vote. The Chair does not vote unless the vote is tied.
  11. The Executive Committee entrusts to the Treasurer the administration of funds, the operation of an online banking account and the preparation of the annual budget and the accounts. The accounts will be presented annually to the Executive Committee for approval at the formal Executive meeting at annual conference.
  12. The Executive Committee may decide urgent matters by electronic correspondence within a 48 hour period, subject to the participation of at least two thirds of the Committee. Where a vote is tied, the Chair will have the casting vote.
  13. The Executive Committee may appoint ad-hoc Sub-Committees to fulfill different tasks, whose chairpersons shall be chosen from the members of the Executive Committee and whose terms of reference shall be established by the Executive Committee.
  14. The Executive Committee and the AGM will endeavour to ensure that the members of the Executive Committee provide broad representation. If the election of postholders by membership, and confirmed at the AGM, does not result in broad representation, then the Executive Committee is empowered to co-opt appropriate representation from within the membership.
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